Parenting Tips

Welcome to our Parenting Tips section, where we offer valuable insights to help you nurture well-rounded children. Explore diverse topics that touch upon every aspect of a child’s development:

  • Benefits of Music: Learn how musical activities can enrich your child’s cognitive and emotional growth.

  • Supporting Decision-Making & Praising Learning Behavior: Tips on how to encourage your child’s decision-making skills and how compliments can motivate them to learn.

  • Balancing Physical Exercise and Mental Strength: Discover how to create a balanced regimen that stimulates both body and mind for overall well-being.

  • Swimming: Understand the multifaceted benefits of swimming, from boosting physical stamina to enhancing social skills.

  • Quality Family Time: Find out how spending quality time together can foster emotional security and interpersonal skills in your child.

Use these tips as a guide to unlock your child’s full potential and ensure their holistic development.

Parenting Tips: Episode 18 (Nurturing Imagination)

Nurturing imagination through play can help young children develop the skills to think or solve problems creatively.

Examples of fun activities are

  • Dressing Up
  • Role Playing
  • Storytelling
  • Free-Flow Arts

Let’s give children the freedom to think and learn through imaginative play. It’s also important to ask them to tell their imaginative stories, new playing rules or things they invent. They will feel valued and encouraged to keep using their imaginative mind, which will be a good foundation to develop other essential life skills like critical thinking and creative problem-solving. 

Parenting Tips: Episode 17 (Active Learning)

During holidays or long break, parents can design the ‘simple play’ at home to support children’s learning and development.


The heart of active learning is to let children use their 5 senses and let them actively participate throughout the process of the activities. It could simply be various in-home activities, such as housework, cooking, arts that are made from recycled waste, or physical exercises.

Let them think, ask questions, propose ideas, experience the process by themselves and reflect their feelings or experiences.

Active learning or play-based learning will help them enjoying their achievements, building their self-confidence as well as naturally developing their brain’s executive functions.

Please remember to enjoy the process, not just the outcome. Happy holidays.

Parenting Tips: Episode 16 (Experiential Learning)

Experiential learning is the best. While young children should learn by doing, caregivers should learn by observing and active listening.

  • Some daily small duties, like leading the flag and morning greeting can help children naturally learn to respect the culture, be disciplined, and has courage to be the leader.
  • Dirty hands or messy play can stimulate their imagination and creativity.
  • Role play can encourage teamwork, sharing and taking turn.
  • Learning colours and seasons from the nature can make children become more environmental friendly.

It is important that caregivers should practice active listening and give compliments when children reflect on their experience to make them feel proud and valued.

Parenting Tips: Episode 15 (Care for the Environment)

When a child was born, he or she doesn’t belong to just that family. The child has social connection and, therefore, has social responsibility.

Caregivers should help them learn about their connection with the nature and how they can be kind to it and help save this planet.

We can simply engage them in our daily activities such as:

* Collecting and Segregating Waste”. This will help them realise how much waste they create each day and how they can best handle it. Refuse, reduce, reuse or recycle things can be built to their habits.

* Planting for food can also make them realise how the nature helps seedlings grow to become our foods. We can influence them to reduce food waste.

Children will gradually and naturally learn to love the nature and care for the environment.

Parenting Tips: Episode 14 (Shaping a good citizen)

The proverb of “It takes a village to raise a child” reflects that an entire community plays an important role in upbringing a child to be a good citizen of the world.

Experiences at young age would reflect how children see and react to the world. That’s why it is very important for caregivers to interact positively with them, treat them with respect and shape them to be a good person. It might start with nurturing them to be caring such as: understand their own and other’s feelings, encouraging them to do something to make someone’s day better. Simple manners can be crucial foundation of their lives such as: showing appreciation by saying please and thank you. Please bear in mind that while you give them freedom to explore and broaden their imagination, it is as important to set a boundary to ensure that they are on the right track.

Parenting Tips: Episode 13 (Happy Pre-schoolers)

What outcome would you like to see when young children join a Pre-school?.

  • Their confidence to do things by themselves
  • Their smile and happiness
  • Their kindness and friendship
  • Their unlimited creativity

Let’s allow our children to use their full imagination and experience things.

It is the right attitude towards learning and life skills that matter as they will benefit them in the future.

Parenting Tips: Episode 12 (World Peace Day)

21st September is the International Day of Peace.

We all can contribute to building a culture of peace both at school and at home. Let’s hear how our children say about “How Peace Begins with”.

“Peace begins with saying sorry,
…with not hurting others,
…with honesty and trust,
…with respect and love,
Peace begins with me!”

Creating a more peaceful world by nurturing children in a positive environment in daily life. There’re some tips to make peace at home, such as speak kindly, hug often, smile freely, sing together, forgive quickly, listen attentively, etc.

Parenting Tips: Episode 11 (Recognising little achievements)

For young children, recognizing their little achievements does matter as it can boost their confidence to take on new challenges.

At Noddy by Elizabeth, we see lots of occasions to recognize each day, like when children can do things on their own, when they can lead the activities, when they ask questions, when they share things or make good friendship.
It would be consistent and meaningful to celebrate small achievements at home too.

Parenting Tips: Episode 10 (Noddy's Joyful Return to School)

It is completely normal for both young children and parents to have series of emotions on the first few days to kindergarten.

Let’s see how good they are on their 1st week.

At Noddy by Elizabeth, we truly understand that this is one of the big step changes in life for family. So, our staff are dedicated to make this experience a smooth transition. Your trust and confidence that they’re in good hands is very important as this feeling can pass on to your children.

Parenting Tips: Episode 9 (Happy Return to School)

School days might not be as exciting as holidays. However, we can help our children have fun to get back to school.

For example, ask them to talk about their favourite teachers, friends they love or activities they enjoy to do at school. For those who are the first time to school, parents may engage them in packing the bags, preparing the dress or choosing their favourite breakfast. The more responsibility they take, the more ownership they feel and the easier they can establish the new routines.

Children can pick up on parents’ attitudes towards things. So, make positive conversation and emphasise the cool things or freedom they will experience at school.


Do you know that the 24th of August is the INTERNATIONAL STRANGE MUSIC DAY?.

The spirit of it is to encourage people to listen to a type of music they don’t usually listen to. It promotes seeing things from a different perspective or “listening without prejudice.”

Studies prove that different types of music affect the mind and body in different ways. For example, smooth jazz for relaxation, pop music for endurance improvement, classical music for fighting depression, sparking creativity and supercharging brainpower.

This is a great day to celebrate with your children. It is a good opportunity to share the music you listened to when you were young with them and dance with them to exercise together to create a happy family time.


Parenting Tips: Episode 7 (Motivation & Reward)

Motivation and rewarding are important to help young children get into their routines or schedule.

They like to have choices and be involved in the decision-making of their schedule. Always explain the reason why to do things, make it playful and don’t rush them. Be strict with the agreed condition of the reward, but also help them to achieve it.

Remember to praise their efforts, not just the end-result.

Like…thank you for tidying up your toys after playing. It really makes our house nice and clean.

The reward can simply be your kind words that are specific to their good behaviours, your big smile or a big hug.

Parenting Tips: Episode 6 (Balance of Activities)

Every parent can create Summer Camp at home for young children. Just observe what they like and engage them to plan together.

An important thing is to have a good balance between activities to use up their energy and activities to help them focus, be with themselves or cool down. Sometimes they just need someone to be around, observe and admire what they can do 😍

You can also engage them to HELP ON SIMPLE HOUSEWORK!. They will be very proud and learn best through own experience in the process 👍👏👏👏

Remember that the more children get involved, the more ownership they feel and confidence they gain.

Parenting Tips: Episode 5 (Noddy's Swim Day Exercise)

Swimming is a lifeskill. Once you are able to swim, you will never forget how to!

Children can start to learn swimming at a very young age. The biggest milestone is not to be afraid of water. At Noddy by Elizabeth Playgroup, we start from letting children get used to water, like paddling and playing with floating toys. Once they are familiar with water, the next step is to allowing themselves in the water, blowing water so that they won’t suffocate and finally holding their breath under water for a short period of time. These practice should be strictly under supervision of parents or swimming instructors.

Once they conquer these steps, learning to swim will be very easy and fun. Finally, no matter how shallow the water is, never leave your children unattended.

Parenting Tips: Episode 4 (Child Engagement)

Children learn best when they are happy. And they will be very happy when they can do things by themselves. You will be amazed that some of the behaviours that you worry about or try to fix can simply be solved by getting them involved in the process.

For example, if they hate eating vegetables, get them involved in the process from planting to cooking preparation. By the time they wait for the vegetables to grow, cut, wash and cook, they will eventually be eager to try eating them.

So, the role of parents is to get them involved along the process of the activities that they enjoy, feel valued and have a sense of ownership. It can simply be any activities in the house.

Parenting Tips: Episode 3 (Quality Time Boosts Kids' Minds)

Spending quality time with your children is not just about the quantity, but also the quality of the time that you spend together even for just 5 or 10 minutes. Sometimes they just need you to sit nearby and listen to what they have gone through each day without judging them or sometimes they really would like you to participate or play with them for a moment.

Remember that children learn best when they are happy. That’s why playing with them is the simpliest, but the most precious time that you can observe their feelings, problem-solving skills and decision making. Don’t forget to say ‘well-done’ or give them high-5 when they achieve even little things to build their self-confidence. So, to create quality time, it’s the process that matter, not just the end result.

Parenting Tips: Episode 2 (Every Child is Unique)

Please remember that every child in this world is unique in his or her own way.

Some may grow up to be a doctor or engineer, famous artist, rock star or the job that we might have never dreamt of at our childhood. We should give them free space to explore, develop and find out their own talents.

One of the techniques is to allow them to learn through playing.  While you observe your child playing, you might be surprised that they are very good at some particular skills. The world is evolving, and also many new careers have emerged.

So, I would like to emphasise the importance of children’s freedom to play while you spend quality time to observe and support them at your best.

Parenting Tips: Episode 1 (Early childhood is golden years of life)

Early childhood is the golden years of life. It’s a critical period as children absorb a lot of knowledge and go through optimum growth & development. Which is why we should allow them to explore things as they learn, and best through playing. The caregivers’ job is not to tell them what to do, but to observe and listen to what they need, and provide support from a distance to ensure their safety while they learn by themselves.

During the pandemic, children have become more attached to their electronic devices and captured at home rather than going out. Therefore, now it is time to revive their childhood and bring them closer to nature and learn from a healthier environment, which will turn them into compassionate children.