PIMMY Soongswang
My name is Pimmy Soongswang, and I attended Noddy from 2001 to 2005. I then moved to Shrewsbury International School from Year 1 to Year 13. At school, I took part in sports and drama while maintaining a strong academic record. This gained me a place at the University of Cambridge where I studied Law and Economics and graduated top of my class. I am now a law student in London, sponsored by a law firm to complete my studies before joining them as a lawyer in September. Today I am writing about my experience at Noddy and how it equipped me with valuable skills to succeed in school and life.
As children, we are often taught that learning happens in a traditional classroom setting with textbooks and lectures. However, from my own experience, I know that play is an essential part of any child’s development. Learning through play creates wonderful benefits and Noddy’s play-based curriculum gave me a fantastic foundation from a young age.
I vividly remember my time at Noddy where I had so much fun painting, singing, swimming and playing with friends. The teachers were so warm, and I felt very cared for. I was always listened to and felt that I could approach my teachers about anything; they took the time to get to know me very well. Furthermore, the teachers encouraged us to explore different materials like paint, clay and blocks which made the classroom environment very exciting. They gave us the freedom to create our own projects and express ourselves through art which helped me to become more independent and confident in my ideas.
In addition to art, we had opportunities to learn about science, music, and nature. We made solar systems, learned about different animals and sang songs together. One of my favourite activities was going to the library because we were encouraged to love reading and I could not get enough of the marvellous books around me. Of course, break times were also incredibly fun as my friends and I would unleash all our energy and come up with the wildest games together.
Noddy also developed my softer skills as a child such as compassion and teamwork. We were always taught to share and be kind to each other, as well as basic manners and respect. In my opinion, this type of social learning is one of the best parts of Noddy as everyone was so generous and considerate which made it a lovely place to be. Additionally, many of our activities were focused on recycling and gardening which extended this sense of kindness to our planet, not just the people around us.
Overall, Noddy was a truly fantastic environment which sparked my curiosity and love for learning. This is something that I have carried throughout my life and education. I was always excited to be at school every day just to learn more about the world around me. Being at Noddy also developed my creativity. Through play, I was able to use my imagination to create new worlds and explore different scenarios. This greatly benefitted my problem-solving skills and critical thinking which has helped me approach new challenges with enthusiasm and originality.

Most importantly, Noddy instilled a strong sense of self-confidence in me. Teachers trusted me and valued my ideas, and I was encouraged to express my thoughts and opinions. In school, this meant that I always contributed in class and was excited to share my thoughts. Even when education got tougher, I maintained this strong belief in my own ability which gave me the grit to overcome difficult scenarios. Looking back, having good self-esteem has been so important as a student and I’m so grateful to Noddy for helping me develop this.
Overall, Noddy built a fantastic foundation for me to become a successful life-long learner. By focusing on play in my early years, rather than tuition or rote learning, I developed creativity, critical thinking and self-expression which have been crucial to my academic success. As such, I am a firm believer in learning through play for a child’s development. By giving children the freedom to be creative, they develop their own confidence and love of learning to thrive and be happy in whatever they do.